Monday, 15 February 2010

Success Through Market Research!

Finding business ideas is easy. There are endless possibilities, ranging from products to services, there is need for improvement or change. Produce new, improved products or services than the existing ones is an advantage over the competition. However, potential entrepreneurs often forget an important part of their future enterprises. They fail to check whether their ideas are able to attract a large and sustainable market by conducting marketing research. As a result, often promising companies crash because of entrepreneurs' lack of business panache.

Marketing Research for start ups and is usually done in two ways: primary research and secondary research. Primary research involves the use of first hand data in determining the existence of a market. Conducts studies, focus groups and interviews are popular methods for primary research. This means that the personal contact between potential consumers and businesses is necessary. Secondary research is a way to reuse saved data as a basis for improvements in the service or product.

Primary research is time consuming, but preferable to start companies that intend to produce a new product or delivering a new service. There are certain advantages in doing this kind of marketing research. Firstly, the possibility of the product idea has been tested. The appeal of its idea is tested on a broad or specific market. For example, the use of a start-up homemade ice cream industry to test a homemade ice appeal to a broad or specific market. The study is able to specify preferences for the product to different market groups: health-conscious fitness buffs for low fat, or housewives for its freshness. This way, the company is able to identify what market to target, or what marketing strategy to employ to attract the least responsive market. The second question and research materials can be changed to fit the needs of business. To illustrate, if the company needs to determine which variants of homemade ice cream to produce the most, a taste test and preference rating survey is best. This way, the company is able to determine the possibility that "sells" best and that goes at least. This method protects the company's capital by helping the company decide what flavors to produce or to abort. Third, suggestions for improvements, competitive advantage and other factors are also available through primary research. Focus groups are usually preferred for this type of investigation where consumers voice out opinions on the product's strengths and weaknesses.

Secondary research reuse saved data for other purposes. This is comparable to doing a library research, where researchers sift through the archives and records to find answers and solutions. It is advisable to incumbents who have enough files in their data banks to provide the following marketing research. Otherwise, these companies pay investigate companies for old surveys and data sheets for their research. This method uses less time and is more cost effective. Old studies of competitors are often used to improve its own products and marketing strategy. They usually target the competition's flaws and manifest their strength in that particular aspect.

If these sound scary to start your own business, there is no reason for concern. The Internet is a veritable tool for carrying out marketing research. There are sites that provide detailed information how to conduct research and even offers research software. Books and business magazines are also worth checking out. Local businesses and organizations also offer seminars, lectures and workshops for entrepreneurs. Always remember that there is no easy path to success, and this effort is needed to see something to fruition.

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